All about ChatGPT

Here you can use the GPT-3.5 Turbo model from OpenAI free of charge and without registration. The chat is powered by OpenAI’s official API , but is not the official OpenAI chat interface.

  • Hello human, I am a GPT powered AI chat bot. You can ask me anything in any language!

AI Thinking ...

Powered by ChatGPT API 

What is ChatGPT?

OpenAI’s groundbreaking chatbot, ChatGPT, is creating quite a buzz among people lately. This newest version, ChatGPT 4, has just hit the market and is causing a stir in the AI community. Its capabilities and features are truly revolutionary and have everyone talking about its potential impact. The latest release of ChatGPT, which was published in mid-March 2023, introduces an impressive improvement. It now has the capability to process texts that are up to four times longer than before. This means that it can handle even more extensive and complex content with ease. Additionally, ChatGPT boasts processing power with over 200 billion parameters, allowing for a higher level of accuracy and efficiency in generating responses. The newest update of this AI system now has the ability to utilize images or audio as input sources, which is truly impressive. For instance, it can analyze a photograph and accurately identify objects such as a cup. This advanced technology is powered by GPT-4, a cutting-edge “Multimodal Large Language Model”.

GPT, short for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is an artificial intelligence technology that powers ChatGPT. With the help of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT can effortlessly comprehend human speech and deliver responses that are remarkably similar to those generated by humans themselves. It’s a groundbreaking tool that brings a new level of natural conversation to the table. ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, is a prototype of a conversation-based chatbot. In November 2022, OpenAI released the beta version of this innovative tool.

ChatGPT’s deep learning technology is developed using OpenAI’s GPT3 language model as its foundation. GPT3 itself is built upon collective knowledge and learning from algorithms across multiple networks, trained on vast amounts of data. This allows ChatGPT to leverage a wealth of experience and insights for its AI capabilities. ChatGPT has been extensively trained using a vast amount of text from the World Wide Web. This comprehensive training allows it to offer answers and insights on a wide range of topics based on the information it has learned from various online sources. Introducing the “Browse with Bing” plugin, a valuable tool for seamlessly searching online content. By using this plugin, you can conveniently explore the internet while leveraging the power of the Bing search engine and AI. It’s a great way to enhance your browsing experience and access relevant information efficiently.

Interactive ChatGPT demo

For what purposes is ChatGPT useful?

ChatGPT is a powerful language model that is highly versatile and can find application in various scenarios. One notable use case is its ability to quickly generate presentations on a wide range of topics. With ChatGPT, you can have an informative and engaging presentation ready in a short amount of time. ChatGPT is a versatile AI model that not only has the ability to tell jokes and write poems but can also analyze code in various programming languages. It can assist in identifying errors and bugs within programs, making it a helpful tool for developers. Additionally, ChatGPT can be useful in writing computer code and even aid in solving complex math problems.

ChatGPT: An adaptable tool for programming, customer support, translation, and creative writing

ChatGPT is a versatile tool that offers a wide range of applications applicable to individuals, businesses, and various industries. Its capabilities go beyond just chat-based interactions, making it a valuable asset for many different purposes and use cases. As an advanced language model, ChatGPT offers versatile applications for various text-based tasks. Some of the popular use cases of ChatGPT are as follows: 

Content Creation: 

With the help of ChatGPT, creating high-quality content for various platforms like websites, blogs, and social media has never been easier. Within just a few seconds, you can generate compelling content that resonates with your audience. This AI-based tool streamlines the content creation process and ensures that you deliver engaging pieces quickly and efficiently. ChatGPT is capable of creating various types of content for your business. This AI chatbot can generate compelling product descriptions, engaging blog posts, captivating social media posts, comprehensive business idea outlines, and even lengthy articles. The versatility it offers makes a valuable tool for your content creation needs. ChatGPT is not just limited to business use. It can also be a valuable tool for creative writers. By utilizing ChatGPT, users can tap into its capabilities to generate fresh and unique ideas, craft compelling plots, and even assist in writing complete stories. Whether you’re a professional writer or an aspiring author, ChatGPT can be an excellent companion in your creative writing journey.


ChatGPT, an advanced language model, has the capability to generate code for simple or repetitive tasks like file input/output operations, data manipulations, and database queries. It can assist in automating these common programming tasks, saving developers valuable time and effort. Furthermore, ChatGPT can be of great help in troubleshooting. It has the capability to identify potential causes of errors and offer suggestions for resolving them effectively. This feature can save a lot of time and frustration when facing technical issues.

Chatbot Creation: 

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that enables the creation of intelligent chatbots capable of engaging in natural-language conversations with users. With ChatGPT, businesses can develop chatbots that provide a seamless and natural user experience, allowing for more meaningful interactions between customers and the AI-powered system. Chatbots have proven to be incredibly useful in various fields such as customer service, sales, and support. They are capable of generating responses that are remarkably human-like, creating a seamless and personalized experience for users. Additionally, Chatbots can also act as virtual assistants, assisting with tasks and providing support in a convenient and efficient manner.

Translation Services: 

ChatGPT can also be utilized for translation services. With its capability to automatically translate text from one language to another, this feature proves to be highly efficient and convenient for users. ChatGPT proves to be a valuable tool for both personal and professional purposes, as it simplifies the often complex process of language translation. By effectively bridging linguistic barriers, it enhances communication and promotes smoother interactions between individuals or businesses with different languages.

How to use ChatGPT?

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to use ChatGPT:

Step 1: Register for an Account

  1. Go to the official ChatGPT website by clicking in the link here: .
  2. Click on the “Sign Up” or “Register” button.
  3. Provide the necessary information, such as your name, email address, and create a password.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process. You may need to verify your email.

Step 2: Access ChatGPT

  1. Log in to your newly created account.

Step 3: Start a Conversation

  1. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a chatbox or a text input area.
  2. Type your message or question in the chatbox. For example, you can start with “Hello” or ask any question you have in mind.

Step 4: Receive a Response

  1. After typing your message, press the “Send” or “Enter” button.
  2. ChatGPT will process your question and generate a response. This may take a few seconds.
  3. The response will appear in the chatbox, right below your question.

Step 5: Continue the Conversation

  1. You can continue the conversation by typing your next question or response.
  2. ChatGPT will respond based on the context of the conversation and your latest input.

Step 6: Ask for Help

  1. If you need help or don’t understand ChatGPT’s response, you can ask for clarification or provide more information.
  2. ChatGPT will do its best to assist you based on your follow-up questions.

Step 7: Provide Feedback (Optional)

  1. If you’re not satisfied with a response or if ChatGPT provides incorrect information, you can provide feedback.
  2. There may be an option to thumbs-up or thumbs-down a response, or a specific feedback form.
  3. Giving feedback helps improve ChatGPT’s performance in the future.

Step 8: End the Conversation

  1. When you’re done with your conversation, you can simply close the chat window or log out of your account.

Step 9: Use ChatGPT as Needed

  1. You can return to ChatGPT whenever you have questions or need assistance. It’s available 24/7 for you to use.

Step 10: Explore More Features (Optional)

  1. Depending on the platform you’re using, you may have access to additional features or customization options like ChatGPT plugins. Feel free to explore these as you become more familiar with ChatGPT.

Remember that ChatGPT is designed to provide helpful and informative responses, but it may not always be perfect. It’s continually learning and improving, so your experience with it may get better over time. Enjoy your conversations and make the most out of ChatGPT’s capabilities!

TIPS: To maximize the effectiveness of ChatGPT, providing specific instructions is crucial. You can guide the AI by giving clear directives, such as requesting a blog entry from the viewpoint of a marketing expert or asking for a review from the perspective of a book reviewer. By doing so, you can obtain more accurate and tailored outputs that cater to your specific needs. ChatGPT has the ability to suggest specific answers that match the desired tone. If a generated response is not suitable, you have the option to ask ChatGPT to revise it or even generate a completely new response. This flexibility allows you to tailor the output according to your preferences and requirements.

Is it possible to utilize ChatGPT for everything directly? 

While ChatGPT is impressive at generating text based on your input, it’s important to remember that you can’t use everything it writes directly. As an AI, it lacks the ability to fully replicate human understanding, context, and moral judgment. It’s always wise to exercise critical thinking and review the output before considering its application. While ChatGPT is an advanced AI language model, it’s important to note that it may occasionally make mistakes, misinterpret information, or rely on outdated data. This can be particularly true when discussing current events due to the constantly evolving nature of news and information. It’s always a good idea to double-check and verify any critical or time-sensitive information you receive from AI assistants like ChatGPT.

ChatGPT plugins 

OpenAI has introduced a range of exciting features and improvements to its AI system, including the integration of ChatGPT plugins and the establishment of a plugin store. These innovations offer users enhanced functionality and customization options, allowing them to utilize the AI system in unique ways. By expanding the capabilities of their technology, OpenAI continues to demonstrate their commitment to providing users with cutting-edge tools for various applications. 

ChatGPT plugins offer the flexibility to customize and enhance ChatGPT according to your needs. You have the option to incorporate additional tools that can assist you in specific tasks or facilitate information retrieval. This allows you to tailor ChatGPT’s capabilities based on your requirements. 

The plugin store is an exciting hub for tech enthusiasts, offering a wide range of opportunities for developers. It serves as a platform where developers can showcase their creativity by uploading their own plugins and sharing them with a community of like-minded individuals. It’s like a vast playground where new ideas and innovations can be explored and embraced. 

The versatility of ChatGPT with plugins is truly remarkable. Whether you’re conducting research, seeking educational resources, or simply engaging in casual conversation, there are a plethora of plugins available that cater to your specific needs. The constant stream of new discoveries ensures that you’ll always find something exciting and useful within the ChatGPT ecosystem.

How does ChatGPT work? 

ChatGPT is a powerful chatbot based on Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP is a technology that helps computers understand and generate human language, like the words you and I use in conversation. Let me explain how ChatGPT works in a simple and easy-to-understand manner:

  • Input Text: You start by typing or speaking a question or a message to ChatGPT. For example, you might ask, “What’s the weather like today?” or say, “Tell me a joke.”
  • Text Processing: ChatGPT takes your input text and breaks it down into smaller pieces, like words and phrases. It then tries to figure out the meaning of these pieces, just like you understand the meaning of the words in a sentence.
  • Understanding Context: ChatGPT looks at the context of your input. It doesn’t just focus on individual words; it considers the entire sentence to understand what you’re asking. It also remembers what you’ve said earlier in the conversation to give you better responses.
  • Generating Responses: Once it understands your question, ChatGPT generates a response. It can provide you with an answer, explanation, recommendation, or even a fun fact or joke based on what you asked. It does this by using a massive amount of text data it was trained on.
  • Language Generation: ChatGPT carefully puts together words and phrases to form a coherent response that makes sense to you. It tries to create a response that’s similar to how a human might reply in a conversation.
  • Learning and Improvement: ChatGPT has been trained on a vast amount of text from the internet, books, and other sources. It uses this training data to improve its responses. However, it doesn’t learn in real-time, so if you provide feedback, it helps improve future versions of ChatGPT.
  • Feedback Loop: If ChatGPT’s response is not quite right or if you have a question about it, you can provide feedback. This helps make the system better over time, so it can give even more accurate and helpful responses in the future.

In a nutshell, ChatGPT is like a virtual conversation partner that uses NLP to understand your questions and provide responses that make sense. It’s a sophisticated computer program that’s constantly learning and improving to give you the best possible answers and assistance in your conversations.

What is ChatGPT Plus? 

ChatGPT Plus is a premium version of ChatGPT offered by OpenAI. By paying a monthly fee, users can gain access to enhanced features and benefits provided by this service. The cost of ChatGPT Plus may differ depending on the specific circumstances, but as of June 2023, the monthly subscription fee stands at $20. With Chat GPT Plus, users can enjoy a range of advantages. One notable benefit is the faster response times compared to the free version. Additionally, subscribers get priority access to new features and improvements, enhancing their overall experience with the service. One major benefit of having ChatGPT Plus is that subscribers always have access to the service and get access to ChatGPT 4. On the other hand, non-subscribers may sometimes experience delays in accessing the service during times of high server load.

Watch out for fake ChatGPT apps; these are costly subscription traps with minimal value.

It’s important to be aware that there are fraudulent apps out there masquerading as ChatGPT, aiming to deceive and defraud unsuspecting users. These malicious apps may attempt to trick you into providing sensitive information or swindle you out of your hard-earned money. To avoid falling victim to such scams, it’s crucial to verify the authenticity of the app and only download from reputable sources. There are certain apps out there that may appear to be legitimate chatbots using ChatGPT technology, but their true intention is to deceive and scam users. These malicious apps, commonly referred to as “fleeceware,” employ deceptive tactics to trick individuals into subscribing and ultimately stealing their money. It is important for users to be cautious and vigilant when interacting with such applications. When it comes to AI chatbot apps, be cautious and don’t fall for false promises. While some may offer a free trial, they often come with excessive ads and limitations that make the app barely functional without a subscription. Even after subscribing, you might find yourself dealing with a poorly programmed app that doesn’t work as well as expected. Stay vigilant and do thorough research before investing in an AI chatbot solution. It’s important to keep in mind that just deleting an app from your device is not sufficient if you want to avoid any additional charges. To prevent further costs, you need to cancel the subscription through your app store.

Why is ChatGPT not working? 

Occasionally, ChatGPT may experience periods of unavailability due to high server loads. This happens when a large number of users visit the site simultaneously, overwhelming the resources available to ChatGPT and causing it to be unable to serve new visitors. Typically, this error is temporary and does not persist for an extended period. In most cases, waiting just a few minutes will resolve the issue, allowing you to regain access to the website.

This error is commonly encountered when there is high traffic on the website, with many users trying to access it simultaneously. To minimize the chances of experiencing this issue, it is recommended to visit the site during periods of lower user activity, known as off-peak hours. Doing so will increase your likelihood of gaining seamless access to the site without encountering any errors. One can try to use the site outside of normal working hours (9 am to 5pm). If you’re planning to visit the ChatGPT site, it’s advisable to choose a time when server load is typically lower. Generally, visiting the site at 8 a. m. or 8 p. m. tends to result in less strain on the servers, allowing for smoother and more efficient user experience.

Bing Chat vs. ChatGPT – Microsoft’s free approach 

Microsoft has introduced Bing Chat as their response to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Utilizing the same cutting-edge technology, Bing Chat aims to provide users with a similar level of conversational AI capabilities and functionality. Microsoft’s Edge web browser and Bing search engine include a convenient feature known as Bing Chat. This integrated chat functionality allows users to communicate in real-time while browsing the web or conducting searches, all without any additional cost. It provides a seamless and free chatting experience within the Microsoft ecosystem. Once you have downloaded the latest version of Microsoft Edge, you will have easy access to Bing Chat. You can find it either by visiting or by clicking on the “Discover” icon located in the top right corner of the sidebar, which is referred to as “Edge Copilot.” In addition, there is a version of Bing Chat that is compatible with smartphones. This mobile version comes with several distinct features that set it apart from other chat platforms: 

1. Edge Copilot: The Edge Copilot feature enhances the Bing Chat experience by providing users with additional suggestions and improvements. It offers a seamless and improved workflow, allowing users to get more out of their interactions in Bing Chat. 

2. Compose: With the Compose tab, you have the flexibility to create texts in various tones and formats. Whether you need a formal or casual tone, or if you want to format your text as a blog post or a social media caption, the Compose tab has got you covered. This feature empowers you to customize your writing style according to your specific needs and target audience.

3. Insights: The Insight tab is a useful feature that extracts relevant information from the webpage you are currently browsing. It provides contextual details that can enhance your understanding and provide helpful insights about the website.

4. Bing Image Creator: Introducing the Bing Image Creator, a cutting-edge text-to-image feature that lets you generate AI-created images directly from the chat window. This innovative tool facilitates a seamless conversion process where your text is transformed into visually appealing images. It’s a game-changer for communication and adds a new level of creativity and visual engagement to your conversations. Bing Chat is a free messaging service that is supported by advertisements. Users can enjoy unlimited chats within a daily limit of 150 chats and a session limit of 15 chats.

About ChatGPT data protection 

Privacy professionals face a challenge when it comes to ensuring the security of the data collected by ChatGPT. This AI model gathers and processes not only user input but also information from the Internet to improve its responses. However, there is no guarantee for the security of this data. Data protection authorities have raised concerns about the transparency of ChatGPT technology. It is not clear how the data entered into the system is processed and used, which can be problematic from a privacy standpoint. Due to this lack of clarity, it is advisable for users to refrain from sharing personal information while using ChatGPT. 

At present, ChatGPT is under examination by data protection supervisory authorities. The question of whether its use complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has not been definitively resolved yet. The regulatory landscape surrounding the technology is currently being assessed for compliance with data protection laws.

About OpenAI 

Established in 2015, OpenAI was founded by notable figures including Elon Musk and Sam Altman. Their main objective is to advance the field of artificial intelligence (AI) with the goal of benefiting society as a whole. The organization is dedicated to advancing the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and ensuring that it is safe and beneficial for humanity. They actively promote the sharing of research findings in this domain, emphasizing transparency and collaboration for responsible AGI development. While OpenAI has transitioned to a partially for-profit model, their dedication to ensuring the widespread benefits of AI continues. They are committed to making sure that the advantages of artificial intelligence are accessible and available to a broad audience.

OpenAI’s research projects, particularly the GPT models and ChatGPT, have garnered significant attention in the AI industry. These innovative projects have made a profound impact and are widely recognized for their advancements in natural language processing and generation. Their contributions have pushed the boundaries of what is possible with AI technology. AI models have the remarkable ability to generate text that closely resembles human writing. As a result, they find extensive use in a wide range of applications across various industries. 

OpenAI is actively working to address the security challenges and ethical concerns associated with AI. They are conducting ongoing research and taking steps to develop robust security standards. This ensures that their AI systems are safe, reliable, and adhere to ethical guidelines. By prioritizing these aspects, OpenAI is working towards creating a trustworthy and responsible AI ecosystem. Despite the complexities that come with advanced and powerful technologies, the organization maintains a steadfast commitment to upholding principles of fairness and ethics in the development of AI. This dedication ensures that ethical considerations are prioritized, even as technology continues to advance.

OpenAI News:

OpenAI announces GPT-4 Turbo, a more powerful AI model

Date: 6 November, 2023

During OpenAI’s recent in-person event, they made an exciting announcement about their latest AI model: GPT-4 Turbo. It is even more powerful than its predecessors. But that’s not all – OpenAI also introduced a new feature that allows users to create customized versions of their popular ChatGPT 4 chatbot. This means users can tailor the chatbot to their specific needs and enhance its functionality for a more personalized experience. In addition, it is reducing the price of the fees charged to companies and developers for utilizing its software. This cost reduction can help businesses save money and make their software more affordable and accessible.

The newest AI model, GPT-4 Turbo, is equipped with advanced capabilities. It is designed to provide answers with up-to-date context that extends all the way until April 2023. This ensures that users receive the most relevant and timely information available from the AI system. Earlier versions of the AI model had limited knowledge and were not updated beyond January 2022. For instance, if you inquired about the winner of the Super Bowl in February 2022 to GPT-4, it would not have been able to provide an answer. However, with the introduction of GPT-4 Turbo, this limitation has been overcome, and it can now provide up-to-date information beyond January 2022.

The latest version, GPT-4 Turbo, has made significant improvements in terms of input capacity. Unlike its predecessors, that were limited to around 3, 000 words, ChatGPT 4 Turbo can now handle inputs of up to 300 pages. This means you have the flexibility to ask it to summarize entire books or lengthy documents efficiently.

GPT-4 is equipped with impressive features such as DALL-E 3, which allows for the generation of AI-generated images and text-to-speech functionality. With six preset voices available, you have the flexibility to listen to the answer to a query in various distinct voices of your choice.

OpenAI has announced that their latest AI model, GPT-4 Turbo, is now available in a preview version for developers. This highly anticipated technology will soon be released to the public within the next few weeks. Developers can now get an early glimpse of its capabilities and explore its potential applications.

OpenAI has recently announced that they are reducing the prices for developers who utilize their AI models. Specifically, the input tokens for GPT-4 Turbo are now 3 times cheaper at $0.01, while the output tokens are 2 times cheaper at $0.03. This price reduction is beneficial as it enables companies and developers to save more money when processing large amounts of information using these AI models.

OpenAI Against Catastrophic AI Risks 

Date: October 30, 2023 

OpenAI has recently introduced a specialized team known as “Preparedness” to address the potential risks associated with AI systems. These risks encompass a wide range of concerns, including targeted influence, cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and even global threats like nuclear attacks. By proactively identifying and mitigating these catastrophic risks, OpenAI aims to ensure the safe and responsible development and deployment of AI technology. Prominent researchers have raised concerns that the risks associated with AI technologies are on par with global threats like pandemics and nuclear wars. One particularly alarming scenario is the potential for AI to initiate a nuclear attack.

These warnings highlight the importance of carefully managing and regulating AI advancements to avoid catastrophic consequences. OpenAI recognizes the potential risks associated with AI and is actively working towards addressing them. They have raised important discussions and concerns about the safe and ethical use of future AI models. This demonstrates their commitment to ensuring that AI technology is developed in a responsible manner that benefits society as a whole. OpenAI is taking proactive steps to address potential threats by launching a “Preparedness Challenge”. This initiative aims to identify and mitigate any risks that may arise from the use of AI technology. By doing so, OpenAI is prioritizing the safety and security aspects of AI development.

The latest update of ChatGPT Plus brings exciting enhancements to its capabilities. Now, it includes file analysis, allowing users to easily analyze and process files within the chat interface. Additionally, intelligent mode switching has been introduced, enabling an even smoother conversation flow as the model adapts to various prompts and questions. These new features further improve the user experience and make ChatGPT Plus a more versatile tool for a range of tasks.

New file analysis and intelligent mode switching are added to ChatGPT Plus’s capabilities

Date: October 30, 2023 

OpenAI has recently rolled out a set of new beta features designed exclusively for ChatGPT Plus members. This exciting update brings additional functionalities and improvements to enhance the user experience and deliver greater value to subscribers. By offering these exclusive features, OpenAI continues to prioritize customer satisfaction and strives to provide innovative solutions tailored to meet the needs of its valued users. Now, users have the ability to easily upload and analyze files using our platform. Gone are the days of manually selecting modes like “Browse with Bing”. Our intelligent chatbot is designed to understand the context and make these decisions automatically, providing a seamless user experience. The recent advancements in ChatGPT Plus bring it closer to the capabilities of the more specialized ChatGPT Enterprise plan. With these updates, not only can it handle text files effectively, but it can also process images, providing an enhanced user experience.

DALL·E 3 is now available in ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise

Date: October 19, 2023 

DALL·E 3 is an exciting update for Plus and Enterprise customers of ChatGPT. This update allows users to generate visual content directly from text, opening up new possibilities for creative expression. Additionally, DALL·E 3 enhances image quality, providing enhanced visual experiences for users. When it comes to responsible development, it’s crucial to incorporate measures that protect against harmful content, respect copyrights, and ensure improved demographic representation. OpenAI emphasizes its commitment to ethical AI through the implementation of a new provenance verification tool and by valuing user feedback. These efforts aim to promote a safe and inclusive environment while using artificial intelligence technology. 

OpenAI releases Python library

Date: October 9, 2023 

OpenAI recently released a new Python library in beta that simplifies the process of integrating different AI models into applications. This includes popular models like GPT-4 and ChatGPT. The library aims to make it more convenient for developers to harness the power of these AI models in their own projects. This library, which can be found on Github, serves as a convenient tool for accessing advanced features and enabling connectivity to Microsoft Azure. To utilize it, you need to have Python 3.7.1 or a newer version installed, as well as a valid OpenAI account.

ChatGPT Enterprise launch

Date: August 28, 2023 

On August 28, 2023, OpenAI launched ChatGPT Enterprise, an upgraded version of their AI-powered chatbot software. This new release promises enhanced capabilities and features designed to meet the demands of businesses and enterprises. With ChatGPT Enterprise, companies can expect improved conversational experiences and more advanced customization options for their chat-based customer interactions. This version provides top-notch security and privacy features for enterprise usage. It grants users full access to the faster GPT-4 model, enables longer processing windows for handling larger inputs, and offers advanced data analysis capabilities. Additionally, it boasts a wide range of customization options to tailor the experience to specific needs. According to OpenAI, they have strong confidence in the potential of AI to enhance and strengthen various aspects of our work environment. With ChatGPT Enterprise, they aspire to create an AI assistant specifically designed for the workplace. This AI assistant is aimed at aiding organizations with all sorts of tasks while being tailored to meet each organization’s unique needs. Additionally, it ensures the security and protection of company data throughout its operations. 

Mercedes-Benz integrates ChatGPT into its cars

Date: June 16, 2023 

Mercedes-Benz and Microsoft have recently joined forces to enhance the voice command experience in Mercedes-Benz cars in the US. By integrating ChatGPT, an advanced language model, drivers can enjoy a more seamless and natural interaction with their vehicles. This collaboration aims to provide users with improved functionality and user-friendly features while on the road. Rather than simply executing basic commands, ChatGPT has the ability to engage in more human-like conversations. It can understand and retain the context of the discussion, enabling it to have meaningful dialogues with drivers or vehicle occupants. This natural interaction adds a new level of convenience and efficiency to the user experience. In addition to its primary functionalities, the system is designed to seamlessly integrate with various applications. This enables it to perform tasks like making restaurant reservations or purchasing movie tickets on your behalf.

The AI ​​law: Europe leads the way in regulating AI

Date: In June 2023 

The European Union has made significant progress in establishing global norms for artificial intelligence by approving a preliminary AI law. This move highlights the EU’s commitment to addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by AI technologies on a global scale. If the law is approved, it will have implications for anyone involved in the development and deployment of AI systems within the European Union. This includes not only companies located within the EU, but also companies from outside the European Union that operate within its territory. The law is designed to encourage the use of artificial intelligence that prioritizes human needs and can be relied upon, while also safeguarding against any potential negative impacts. It places a strong emphasis on protecting health, safety, fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law, and the environment. 

Danish Prime Minister has parts of her speech written by AI

Date: May 31, 2023

The Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, recently utilized artificial intelligence for her parliamentary speech. More specifically, she employed the chatbot ChatGPT to assist in writing certain sections of her address. Advancements in AI writing technology have reached a point where it can be challenging to differentiate between texts written by humans and those generated by artificial intelligence. This blurring of lines is a testament to the progress made in natural language processing and machine learning algorithms.

Nvidia declares the end of the “digital divide”

Date: May 29, 2023 

According to Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, the advancement of AI technology has led to a significant shift in programming capability. Huang suggests that the ability to communicate with computers through speech has made it possible for anyone to become a programmer, as the traditional coding barriers are reduced. This implies that AI has made programming more accessible and user-friendly for individuals without extensive technical backgrounds. This statement highlights how the rapid growth and widespread adoption of AI is seen as a solution to bridge the “digital divide.” The increasing presence of AI technology is expected to narrow the gap between those who have access to and benefit from it, and those who do not. Nvidia, a prominent company specializing in AI chips and computer systems, has played a key role in advancing this technology. They have made significant contributions to the development of services like ChatGPT and other similar platforms. Their support has been instrumental in pushing the boundaries of AI technology.

Microsoft launches third-party plugins for Bing Chat

Date: May 23, 2023

Microsoft has recently enhanced its Bing Chat conversations by integrating third-party plugins from well-known companies such as Expedia, Instacart, and Zillow. This integration allows users to access additional features and functionalities directly within the chat interface, enhancing the overall communication and user experience. The purpose of these Bing Chat plugins is to enhance the user experience by making it more convenient and efficient. These plugins enable users to quickly take action right after receiving information, resulting in a seamless and streamlined user interaction. A great example of how AI is enhancing user experiences is through seamless integration between different platforms. For instance, after receiving a travel recommendation from Bing, users can conveniently book their trip on Expedia. Similarly, AI technology allows for the conversion of recipe suggestions into a shopping list on Instacart​, making meal planning and grocery shopping easier than ever before. This level of automation and connectivity simplifies tasks and improves overall efficiency for users.

Bing and ChatGPT Integration

Date: May 23, 2023 

Microsoft initially collaborated with OpenAI to bring the ChatGPT tool to Bing. However, they have now taken a step further by integrating Bing into ChatGPT. This integration enables ChatGPT to generate responses using search and web data, including quotes. It enhances the capabilities of ChatGPT and makes it even more valuable for users seeking accurate and insightful information. Following the announcement, the integration of ChatGPT Plus was initially made available to subscribers. However, it is expected that all free users will be able to access this integration in the near future by activating a plugin.

Microsoft announces AI updates for Bing and ChatGPT

Date: May 23, 2023 

Microsoft recently made exciting announcements at their annual Build developer conference. They introduced a range of AI updates designed to enhance Bing and ChatGPT. These updates are focused on improving the intelligence, usability, and adoption of these tools. Microsoft aims to make them smarter, more user-friendly, and widely utilized in various settings. Ever since the launch of AI-powered Bing, users have been actively engaging with its features. The platform has witnessed over 500 million chats and facilitated the creation of more than 200 million images through its AI-powered Bing Image Creator tool. This highlights the significant impact and popularity that AI technology is having on user experiences. 

OpenAI launches a ChatGPT app for iOS

Date: May 18, 2023 

OpenAI has exciting news for users of ChatGPT: the AI-powered Chatbot is now available on mobile devices! With the release of the new ChatGPT app, you can conveniently access its features on-the-go. What’s more, the app will be completely free to use and ad-free, ensuring a seamless user experience. Not only that, but ChatGPT also supports voice input through integration with Whisper, OpenAI’s open source speech recognition system. This means you can dictate your thoughts and ideas directly into the app. Enjoy the benefits of this convenient and versatile mobile application! 

ChatGPT ban lifted in Italy after changes

Date: April 30, 2023

After some privacy concerns led to a temporary ban, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has now been reauthorized in Italy. The manufacturer took proactive steps to address the issues, such as implementing age verification for Italian users and introducing a new opt-out form for EU users who prefer not to have their personal data used. These measures aim to ensure compliance with privacy regulations and provide users with greater control over their data. Garante expressed appreciation for the measures but emphasized the need for enhanced compliance.

OpenAI Previews New Subscription Tier, ChatGPT Business 

Date: April 25, 2023 

OpenAI has introduced a new offering known as ChatGPT Business, which is designed to cater to the needs of professionals and businesses. It allows users to have greater control over their data, ensuring data security and privacy. Additionally, businesses have the ability to manage their end users effectively through this platform. OpenAI has announced its plan to launch ChatGPT Business in the near future. This means that businesses will soon be able to take advantage of the powerful capabilities of ChatGPT for their specific needs.

Bill Gates on the future of AI

Date: March 22, 2023

In a published seven-page letter, Bill Gates declared that the era of artificial intelligence has officially commenced. He delves into the extensive potential and profound impact of AI. As a leader in the tech industry, Microsoft is determined to be at the forefront of AI advancement. The recent launch of Copilot has generated great anticipation as people eagerly anticipate further developments in this exciting field. 

OpenAI introduces GPT-4

Date: March 14, 2023 

OpenAI, a renowned company known for its cutting-edge AI models, has recently introduced its newest breakthrough: GPT-4. This impressive development marks a substantial leap forward in the realm of artificial intelligence. Notably, GPT-4 not only possesses the ability to comprehend and produce text but can now also analyze images, thus expanding its capabilities to encompass visual data as well.